Schools in America and Canada were some of the first educational facilities to embrace the shift from hardwired internet connections to wireless. With wireless touted as more efficient, this was done by schools in an effort to improve the learning environment for students. Schools were quick to install internet access points, also known as WiFi hot spots, throughout their classrooms on ceilings and walls.

During the initial roll out of wireless communication, schools that upgraded their hardwired internet connection to a wireless internet connection were praised for creating a technology-friendly environment to help foster learning. These school were seen as progressive.

Fast forward to 2020. With the vast research on wireless showing dangerous health ramifications from exposure, it now seems that schools returning to the ‘old-fashioned’ wired connection are being seen as progressive!

All wireless devices emit an invisible electromagnetic radiation called radiofrequency (RF) radiation. This includes cell phones, cordless phones, wireless routers, and any technology with bluetooth or wireless capability. Children have been found to be more vulnerable to the damaging effects of wireless radiation due to their thinner skulls and developing brains and reproductive organs.

To date, hundreds of published scientific studies have shown that wireless radiation has an overwhelmingly negative effect on our health. In fact, the World Health Organization has categorized RF radiation as a Type 2 Carcinogen. While cancer is among the many diseases linked to radiation exposure, insomnia, skin rashes, cataracts, irregular heart beat, weakened immunity, low thyroid and infertility have also been linked to chronic exposure to wireless.

Wireless radiation exposure has also been linked to neurological/behavioral disorders such as autism, attention deficit disorder and learning disorders. Mood swings and hyperactivity have also been noted as a result of exposure to wireless radiation.

Ironically, the wireless connections placed in schools to foster learning could be having the opposite effect in terms of cognitive function. We now know that wireless radiation does not work to enhance brain function but rather diminishes it.

According to the non-profit EMF Watchdog Group Environmental Health Trust:

When students use a wireless computer or laptop, talk with a cell phone to the ear or even carry muted phones in their pocket, the radiation penetrates into their head and body. Wireless devices are always emitting radiation, even when they are not actively in use. Students are also exposed to RFR from wireless internet access points… Radiation emissions from the cell phones in combination with the emissions from each of the other wireless devices/accessories/networks in a school building create a cumulative daily RFR exposure for students, teachers, and staff.”

In an attempt to reduce radiation exposure for students and teachers in schools, and to create a healthy learning environment, Medical Associations around the world are now recommending what are called “High Performance, Low EMF Schools”. Here are some of the criteria these schools need to abide by in order to be called “Low EMF”:

  1. Install a wired local area network (LAN) for Internet access throughout the school.
  2. Provide wired network connections for desktop computers, laptops, notebooks, and tablets.
  3. All wireless transmitters shall be disabled on all Wi-Fi-enabled devices.
  4. Install easily accessible hard-wired phones for teacher and student use.
  5. Prohibit use of standard DECT cordless phones operating at 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz
  6. Prohibit the use of cell phones and other personal electronic devices in instructional areas / classroom

Many school boards in both the US and Canada are working towards moving their schools to this new “Low EMF” criteria in the hopes of improving learning for students, as well as health for children, teachers and staff.

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