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Growing Healing Shungite Tested
Growing Healing Shungite was tested for its effectiveness at protecting from EMFs using Live Blood Analysis. The test was done by a third party Integrative Health Practice independent from Growing Healing. We are very thankful for the Lab Scientist who cared enough about her clients’ health to take the time to do the testing. We need more caring practitioners like this!
The testing was done using an active cell phone and a Swirl-It. We are very excited to share the results with you! But first, we want to explain a little bit about Live Blood Analysis.
What is Live Blood Analysis?
Live Blood Analysis refers to observing live blood cells under a high powered microscope. A camera is attached to the microscope and the blood is able to be viewed immediately after extraction on a screen.
Live Blood Analysis differs greatly from conventional blood testing. With conventional blood testing, the extracted blood is sent out to a laboratory. The cells of the blood die approximately 30 minutes after being extracted. Then, once at the lab, the blood is altered by being dyed.
With Live Blood Analysis, the blood cells are still alive and are unadulterated. This allows practitioners to view the individual red and white blood cells, in addition to the many different constituents in the blood’s plasma.
Nutritional deficiencies, inflammation and coagulation are some of what is revealed using Live Blood Analysis. This method of blood testing allows practitioners to see just how the blood is behaving in your body as well as what factors are negatively affecting your health.
Rouleux Formation
Rouleaux formation is a medical terms that refers to the stacking of red blood cells. Red blood cells, in healthy blood, do not clump together but remain separate. In unhealthy blood, red blood cells stick together. This clumping of red blood cells is seen when infections, inflammatory conditions, vascular diseases, and cancers are present. It is also seen when someone is exposed to EMF Pollution.
Wireless Radiation Causes Rouleaux Formation
Growing Healing Swirl-It Tested on a Live Cell Phone
Growing Healing’s Swirl-It was tested by a lab scientist at an Integrative Health Practice using Live Blood Analysis. A client’s blood was tested using Live Blood Analysis. Here is a photo of what this client’s blood looked like.
Then, the client’s blood was taken after having spent 3 minutes on an active cell phone. After just 3 minutes on the cell phone, the red blood cells are exploding and dying rapidly.
Then, the client’s blood was taken after having spent 3 minutes on a cell phone that had Growing Healing’s Swirl-It attached to the phone.
The Shungite prevented the blood from clumping and was able to preserve the integrity of the blood cell’s membranes. In fact, the blood looked healthier when on the active cell phone being cleared using the Swirl-It then it did before the testing started! Very impressive.
This study shows that Authentic Shungite stone has the ability to protect the blood from wireless radiation by preventing the clumping of red blood cells and the bursting of red blood cells’ membranes under the stress of radiation. In other words, it helps prevent the red blood cells from dying.
What is even more amazing, is the Live Blood Analysis shows Shungite stone has the ability to improve the overall health of our blood!! So, Shungite stone not only protects your blood from the negative effects of EMFs, it also makes your blood healthier.
Here at Growing Healing, we are beginning to understand just why Shungite stone is nicknamed the “Stone of Life”!