Hazards of Computer Radiation
Computer EMF Dangers
Computer radiation is comprised of various types of electromagnetic frequencies. When you sit in front of a computer screen, you are being hit by many different types of electromagnetic radiations (EMR). Computers emit both VLF (Very Low Frequency) electromagnetic radiation and ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) electromagnetic radiation, as well as soft x-rays if using an old style Cathode Ray Tube monitor.
As with all radiation exposure, the closer in proximity to the source, as well as the longer the duration of time in the EMF field, the more detrimental the electromagnetic frequencies upon the body.
Using a computer for anywhere from 4 to 8 hours a day is not unusual today, but is actually becoming the norm. This long duration of time, coupled with the close proximity to the screen, makes the computer a very serious EMF health hazard.
Computer EMF Safety
If computers are such a serious EMF health risk, then why hasn’t any official government agency made a statement regarding their use?
Well, some governments have…
The Australian government recommends no more than 5 hours a day on a computer as a safety limit. In some parts of Britain, pregnant women are not allowed to use computers in the workplace due to the risk of radiation exposure for the developing fetus.
Computer EMF Exposure Symptoms
Short term symptoms of computer EMF exposure are dry eyes, floaters, blurred vision, headaches, dehydration, irritability, skin rashes, spaciness and fatigue. Long term computer EMF exposure has been linked to various cancers, birth defects and miscarriages.
Computer/Laptop Radiation Protection
A spot-clearing device can be placed on the computer, or a space-clearing device can be set next to the computer when in use.