The heart is electrical in nature, as is the brain.
There is new evidence that points to the heart being drastically affected by electromagnetic frequencies, particularly wireless frequencies, also known as microwave radiation.
Irregular heart beat, racing heart, fluttering and palpitations have all been observed in test subjects when exposed to EMFs.
The Soviets were the first to recognize these adverse affects of microwave radiation on the heart and recommended screening workers who were to work with microwave radiation as a way of protecting those whose hearts were already taxed. In a study published in 1970, the Soviets found there to be cardiovascular changes among those exposed to EMFs and state:
“In the interest of occupational hygiene, many Soviet investigators (and at least one U.S. researcher) have recommended that cardiovascular abnormalities be used as screening criteria to exclude people from occupations involving radio-frequency exposures.”
As EMF Researcher Dr. Magda Havas explains:
“Some people who are electrically sensitive complain that they have a rapid or irregular heart beat and feel chest pressure or pain. We conducted a “proof of concept” study to determine if we could measure heart rate changes caused by microwave radiation with real-time monitoring. We found that some individuals developed a rapid or an irregular heart beat when exposed to pulsed microwaves (from a cordless phone base station) at levels considered safe by the WHO, FCC, and Health Canada.”
Irregular heartbeat, racing and fluttering hearts as well as heart palpitations have all been linked to exposure to EMFs, with some of the first modern cases being witnessed among school children exposed to wireless internet.
Researcher Dr. Magda Havas goes on to say:
“During the past year I have heard stories that children who attend schools with WiFi are complaining of a racing heart while in school. Two of these students in the Barrie area (Canada) were given heart monitors to wear and one young girl was scheduled for heart surgery because her cardiologist couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Her parents postponed the operation, removed the WiFi in their home, and her symptoms did not return during the summer when she wasn’t attending school.”
These findings shed new light on the use of wireless around those with cardiovascular irregularities, as well as the real ‘stress’ behind what are diagnosed as panic attacks.
Evidence EMFs Harmful to the Heart
By Growing Healing | Post On October 21, 2015