With prescription medication for ADD/ADHD in children at an all time high in the west, a German study conducted by Klaus Buchner and Horst Eger in 2011 shows that radiation from cell towers are causing a specific increase in the stress hormones that lead to various forms of mental dysfunction, with ADD/ADHD being among them.
This study was done in a Bavarian village and looks at the “changes of clinically important neurotransmitters from electromagnetic radiation” by analyzing human urine samples taken before a cell tower was installed and than 18 months afterward. The study was conducted in a rural village so as to rule out any effects from other types of EMF exposures upon the subjects being studied.
The study states:
“After the activation of the GSM base station, the study found the levels of the stress hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline increased significantly during the first six months; the levels of the precursor dopamine decreased substantially. The initial levels were not restored even after one and a half years. As an indicator of the dysregulated chronic imbalance of the stress system, the phenylethylamine (PEA) levels dropped significantly until the end of the study period.”
The levels of radiation emitted by the newly installed and activated cell tower base station were far below the levels currently considered to be safe by regulators.
The study goes on:
“Chronic dysregulation of the catecholamine system has great relevance for health and is well known to damage human health in the long run.”
The researchers found that after being exposed to the radiation from the cell tower base, participants experienced a drastic increase in levels of certain stress hormones. Long-term elevation of these stress hormones are indicators for various psychiatric and mental disturbances.
In fact, one neurotransmitter that the study found seems to be heavily affected by cell tower radiation is phenylethylamine (PEA). When subjects were exposed to RF radiation from the cell tower base, their levels of this important neurotransmitter drastically declined. This depletion of PEA causes complete dysregulation of the stress hormones, speciifically adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine. Low levels of PEA have been linked to ADD and ADHD.
Another interesting finding of the study was that those with chronic health conditions, such as asthma, diabetes and allergies, the elderly, as well as children, were affected by the radiation more than other subjects. Their urine levels of stress hormones were found to be higher and were also found to stay higher longer.
The study concludes:
“…the expansion of wireless networks corresponds with the increase in prescription expenses for methylphenidate, a drug whose chemical structure is related to PEA and which is indicated in cases of attention deficit disorder (ADD)…”
German Study: Cell Tower Radiation Causing Mental Dysfunction
By Growing Healing | Post On January 21, 2016