cell phone radiation

Cell Phone Radiation: Understanding The Real Dangers

The Science Behind Cell Phone Radiation | Potential Health Risks Associated With Cell Phone Radiation | Studies and Findings on the Impact of Cell Phone Radiation | Ways to Minimize Exposure | The Role of Government Regulations | Common Misconceptions | Alternative Technologies | Ten Tips for Promoting Cell Phone Safety | Conclusion and Final…

space clearing your living room

Space Clearing Background Radiation in Today’s High Tech World

Space-Clearing Space-clearing is a term that has been traditionally used used to describe the practice of using candles or sage to purify the energy of a space of negativity. The space-clearing we’re talking about is a different type of clearing. Rather than clearing negative energy, we’re focused on clearing harmful electromagnetic frequencies! Background Radiation At…

Health Effects Cell Towers

The Health Effects of Cell Towers: What the Research Shows

1996 Telecommunications Act The 1996 Telecommunications Act gave the Telecommunications Industry the freedom to erect cell towers without much in the way of regulations, oversight or any consideration of what the health effects of cell towers would be. Since that Act, there has been an exponential growth in the number of cell towers in the…

Melatonin and EMF Sensitivity: What You Need to Know

Melatonin and EMF Sensitivity: What You Need to Know

In today’s high-tech world, the reality of chronic EMF exposure is pretty much a given. In this article, we’re going to take an in depth look at how exposure to EMFs affects our production of the important hormone melatonin. The change in our melatonin levels could be leading to the symptoms associated with EMF Sensitivity….

Your Body Electric: Why EMF Exposure Is Harmful to Health

Your Body Electric: Why EMF Exposure Is Harmful to Health

EMF Exposure To understand why EMF exposure is harmful to your health, it is first necessary to understand how your body truly functions. We all know the basics of how our bodies work. The heart pumps our blood, our livers detox our blood, our marrow makes our blood, our kidneys filter our blood, and our…

Make your home EMF safe.

EMF Protection for Home: A New Standard for Wellness

EMF Protection For Home Growing Healing (formerly EMF Blues) has been selling EMF Protection for the home since 2006. Back then, hardly anyone thought EMFs, short for electromagnetic frequencies, were a problem. The idea of EMF Pollution was very new then. It was really only the epidemiologist Dr. George Carlo who was out there giving…