Elite Noble Shungite – Medium


Elite Noble Shungite, also called Elite Shungite, is the rarest of all Shungite stones. Mined by hand, Elite Noble Shungite contains between 98% -99% Organic Carbon and boasts the highest concentration of natural occurring Fullerenes on the planet. Our Elite Noble Shungite is Grade 1, which means little to no rust-like spots! This is not the case with most Elite Shungite on the market.



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Elite Noble Shungite MEDIUM – RARE Grade 1

Elite Shungite RAW

Elite Noble Shungite  is a very rare stone that is becoming increasingly more difficult to obtain. Large reserves of Elite Noble Shungite have already been depleted due to the stone’s high demand.

Sometimes called Silver Shungite, Elite Noble Shungite is considered to be the purest form of Shungite. Boasting a high Organic Carbon count of up to 99%, Elite Noble Shungite is the highest source of natural occurring Fullerenes on the planet. Fullerenes are considered by many to be the most powerful antioxidant known to man. C-60, the most well-known Fullerene, has been found in animal studies to have the ability to regenerate the liver and to extend life.

Elite Noble Shungite is only found in its RAW form. Due to its high Carbon content, the stone is much too soft for carving or shaping, and must be used in its RAW state.

Elite Noble Shungite can only be mined by hand, not machine, which contributes to the stone’s market value being much higher than regular Shungite. It is said that Elite Shungite stones make up only 1% off all Shungite reserves.

Elite Shungite Makes the Best Shungite Water

With such a high Carbon and Fullerene count, Elite Noble Shungite proves to be the most powerful type of Shungite for health and wellness. As Shungite’s wellness properties can be passed on to people via water charged with Shungite, Elite Noble Shungite is the best choice for making Shungite Water.

With its powerful life-giving properties that earned it the name ‘Stone of Life’ in Russian Folklore, Elite Noble Shungite has been found to both clear and charge water. This means it has the ability to remove impurities as well as structure the water.

Shungite Water was used for healing in Russian Folk Medicine – with its use dating back to Peter The Great – and it is still in use in modern Russia. Today, Shungite Water is a popular Russian Spa treatment and is used both externally for bathing and beautifying, as well as internally for drinking.

Elite Noble Shungite is known in Russia for its health and beautifying properties. While no formal studies have been conducted, Shungite Water made with Elite Noble Shungite is reported to smooth and youth the skin if bathed with, as its powerful antioxidants are thought to give it the ability to increase and restore lost elasticity in the skin. It is also reported to increase the growth of hair if used as a hair rinse.

Shungite Water is also used internally in Russia to strengthen the body and increase overall wellness. Folklore has it that villages found around where Shungite naturally occurs in Russia would place a Shungite stone in the water that was to be used for cooking and drinking. Russian studies on Elite Noble Shungite do show this super-stone to possess anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties, in addition to its high antioxidant value.

Personal EMF Protection

Apart from making Shungite Water, Elite Noble Shungite stones can be carried on your person for overall personal EMF protection and grounding. A stone can be placed in a pocket or carried in a bag. As Elite Noble Shungite is a fragile stone, being mostly Organic Carbon, we recommend placing it in a pouch if it is to be carried regularly.

How To Make Shungite Water

If using your Elite Noble Shungite stone to make Shungite Water, we recommend starting with filtered water as opposed to straight tap water. We also recommend placing your stone in boiling water for up to 1 minute to disinfect the stone. It can then be placed in a container of water and let sit to make Shungite Water.

While there are no hard rules for making Shungite Water, we find getting a dispenser of sorts and letting the stones sit in the water while the water is being used to be the most effective and the most efficient way of making Shungite Water, as you can continually add water as you use it (similar to the continuous brew method for Kombucha). As far as amount of water per Elite Noble Shungite stone, we have found one Elite Noble Stone Medium capable of charging 1/2 gallon of water. However, you can use more stones at one time in the same amount of water to get a ‘stronger’ Shungite Water.

We recommend removing stones weekly and rinsing. We have not found there to be a need to replace Elite Noble Shungite stones. If the water seems less potent after a time of using the stones, we recommend laying the stones out in direct sunlight for a few hours to clear them and rejuvenate them.

About Our Stones

Our Elite Noble Shungite stones are Grade 1. This is the highest quality Elite Shungite stone available. This means your stone will arrive with little to no rust-like spots!

Elite Noble Shungite stones will arrive with a layer of Carbon dust. This black dust is normal for RAW Shungite and can be rinsed off.

Each Elite Noble Shungite stone is unique and will have a slightly different shape. Most stones will measure about 1 inch in length and 0.5 inch in width, with variations. The stone will look shiny, almost metallic, and have a silver sheen to it.

Please note, Elite Noble Shungite stones are FRAGILE and can break if dropped, so please handle with care!

Each Noble Elite Shungite stone is imported from Russia from a Government Certified Shungite Mine and will pass the electrical conductivity test with flying colors, as Grade 1 Elite Noble Shungite is a very strong conductor of electricity!

Origin: Russia


Weight .0625 lbs

1 review for Elite Noble Shungite – Medium

  1. Jonelle Mauro

    I couldn’t resist commenting. Exceptionally well written!

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