Airplane Radiation Exposure Exceeds Safety Levels

Airplane Radiation exposure has been documented by various Agencies to be above the levels of what is considered safe for many Airline workers and frequent flyers.

“Because of their occupations, airline pilots and flight attendants routinely are exposed to higher levels of radiation than many other workers. Airline crew members and frequent flyers receive annual doses on the order of between 500 and 600 millirem.” -Council on Radioactive Waste Management.”

During a cross country flight from NY to LA you are subjected to more radiation from the plane then you are during a chest X-ray.

Recent studies have shown that airline stewardesses have a 50% greater chance of developing breast cancer than other women due to their constant exposure to airplane radiation.

A study of airline pilots found unusually high rates of Down’s Syndrome among their offspring. Studies have linked both cancer and Down’s Syndrome to genetic alterations caused by radiation exposure.

How To Protect From Airplane Radiation During Flights?
We recommend wearing or carrying personal EMF protection during flights.

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