EMF Free Alarm Clocks

EMF Free Alarm Clocks used to be the norm. The true mechanical wind-up alarm clock of yesteryear isn’t powered by any electricity. It doesn’t plug into a wall, and it doesn’t use a battery. If you are looking for an EMF Free Alarm Clock, a genuine, analog mechanical wind-up clock is the only EMF Free Alarm Clock that exists.

Don’t be fooled by the electric wind-up clocks that are actually battery operated. They are electric and do emit an electromagnetic field.

Although these wind-up alarm clocks do not emit an electromagnetic field, and can be called EMF Free, they do have other drawbacks. Wind-up clocks tend to be noisy. And their alarms tend to be very loud. Plus, you have to continually remember to wind them.

So, if you are tired (pun intended!)of sleeping within an electromagnetic field and are ready to improve your sleep, and subsequently your health, we have a better option for you.

But first, let’s look into why your health will benefit from getting rid of your electric Alarm Clock’s EMF Field.

Electric Alarm Clock EMFs

All electric alarm clocks emit an electromagnetic field. Whether your clock plugs into the wall, or uses a battery, it emits EMFs. With the advent of wireless technology, many Alarm Clocks also emit wireless radiation as they utilize bluetooth technology. Sleeping within these electromagnetic fields affect your body’s own electromagnetic field and can lead to a host of symptoms.

Sleep disturbances, irregular heart beats, insomnia, hypertension, headaches, nightmares and anxiety. Life is stressful enough, nobody needs their electric alarm clock giving them more stress. Sleeping in an EMF field can also accelerate the aging process by disrupting the bodies’ ability to do it’s usual nighttime cellular repair. Which entirely defeats the purpose of ‘beauty sleep’.

An average electric alarm clock emits as much as a 5 to 10 milliguass field up to 3 feet away. Most people sleep with their alarm clock less than a foot from their heads, putting them in this hazardous EMF field throughout the night.

Ancient Wisdom on Sleep

According to the ancient Art of Feng Shui and the ancient Indian healing system of Ayurveda, sleep is very important for healing. That’s why traditional Feng Shui will focus heavily on clearing bedrooms of all stressful EMFs, both man-made and natural occurring EMF fields known as Geopathic Stress.

Ayurveda calls “sleep the best wet nurse” and always recommends getting plenty of high-quality sleep when you are healing from a chronic condition, or if you are recovering from surgery or even childbirth. Sleeping in an EMF field disrupts our ability to heal and can leave us feeling more tired upon waking than we did when going to sleep.

When needing to heal from an infection, keeping your sleep in an EMF free space could really help your body fight off the infection, as viruses, bacteria and fungi thrive in EMF fields.

Keep Your Electric Clock, Get Rid of the EMFs

It is not necessary to go back to a mechanical wind-up clock to sleep in a healthy energy field. Ancient Nano-Carbon Technology harmonizes all types of EMF fields so they are no longer stressful to the body.

The Swirl-It or Cell Phone Tab can be used to clear the individual EMF field coming from your clock. Just peel and stick! Or, use the So-Square to place your alarm clock on.

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