“Electromagnetic fields from power and telecommunications systems, as they are present in our everyday environment, have biological and human health impacts that have not been officially acknowledged. The effects of these fields have simply not been taken seriously enough.”Paul Héroux, PhD, Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health McGill University Medicine, Montreal Canada.

“The harmful effects of electromagnetic fields, regardless of their frequencies, are now scientifically settled. Pregnant women (the fetus) and children and adolescents are particularly vulnerable. WHO has recognized the possibly carcinogenic effects of electromagnetic fields; its policy program should now be urgently extended to the recognition of electrohypersensitivity as a full affection entering the nosologic framework of Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance. This is what the international congress held on the 18th of May, 2015 at the Royal Belgian Academy of Medicine proposes.”Dominique Belpomme, MD, MPH, Professor in Oncology, Paris V Descartes University, European Cancer & Environment Research institute, Executive Director.

“Evidence of health hazard is here since IARC 2011. It surely was enough time to introduce new safety standards and Precautionary Principle.”Dariusz Leszczynski, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry, University of Helsinki, Finland; Member of the IARC Working Group that classified cell phone radiation as possible carcinogen.

“One of the most serious environmental pollutants affecting the health of human populations and resulting in chronic illness is electrosmog. A combination of low frequency electromagnetic fields, poor power quality, ground current and especially radio frequency and microwave radiation is making people sick. We have enough peer-reviewed scientific studies documenting the adverse effects, which include cancers, reproductive problems and symptoms of electrohypersensitivity, for governing bodies to promote practices, devices and legislation that reduce our exposure to these frequencies.”Dr. Magda Havas, PhD, Environmental and Resource Studies, Centre for Health Studies, Trent University, Canada.

“Man-made electromagnetic fields impact all living organisms, acting first on the unit membrane. We must reduce our dependence on ‘wireless’ technologies, reduce the numbers of masts (i.e., cell towers), of Wi-Fi apparatus, of cordless phones and so on, and clearly indicate, in public spaces, the intensity of the ambient electromagnetic field.”Prof. Marie-Claire Cammaerts, PhD., Free University of Brussels, Faculty of Science, Belgium.

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