While Smart Meter installation is growing, so is a body of evidence pointing to health hazards associated with the radiation emitted by the Meters.

As many people push back against the mandatory installation of these Meters, others are forced to contend with them, as regulations from utility companies leave many with no choice but to have their Analog Meter replaced by a Smart Meter.

As many experts have equated the radiation emitted by Smart Meters to that of a small cell tower, it is no wonder Watchdog Organizations, such as the EMF Safety Network, have received countless testimonies from people who experience health problems once a Smart Meter is installed.

Real people tell the EMF Safety Network how their Smart Meter made them sick:

1. “I am a 31 year old Female and I reside in Plantation, FL. I would say I started to notice major health concerns since the FPL Smart meter was put beside our bedroom window and it did me in. It gradually kept giving me headaches. Also, I have permanent retainers from wearing braces, behind my bottom and top teeth. Anytime a wi-fi or cell signal passes me I get a metal taste in my mouth. My Smart Meter peak occurred when I was in a deep sleep around 6:00am and was awaken to massive pressure in my head. It felt like my brain was on fire and it wanted to explode all at the same time. I woke up frantically screaming . I was holding my head and I had my husband scared. I hurried out of the bedroom still holding my head.”

“We were up all morning trying to figure out what it was. I felt as if my brain had burned. I knew it was from the Smart Meter because I was feeling it a little more each day. I called to have the Smart meter removed. For the rest of the week I felt the left side of my head and face numb. I couldn’t speak properly or concentrate. Since then I have not been the same. I have a very difficult time concentrating. The newest thing that is occurring is that I feel my skin burning. I feel the top of my head burning as well.”

2. “I am an engineer. I have used technology my entire adult life – cell phones, smart phones, wi-fi, laptops, you name it. I really enjoyed all of this and had no issues or fears related to technology. Then, when a bank of smart meters were put next to our apartment, both my wife and I starting experiencing headaches, insomnia, heart palpitations and tinnitus. Within a couple weeks, I could no longer use a cell phone without the same symptoms. Within a month I could feel the microwave radiation from cell towers. I have had to completely change my life because of this.”3.

3. “I am an engineer. I have used technology my entire adult life – cell phones, smart phones, wi-fi, laptops, you name it. I really enjoyed all of this and had no issues or fears related to technology. Then, when a bank of smart meters were put next to our apartment, both my wife and I starting experiencing headaches, insomnia, heart palpitations and tinnitus. Within a couple weeks, I could no longer use a cell phone without the same symptoms. Within a month I could feel the microwave radiation from cell towers. I have had to completely change my life because of this.”

4. “My family has suffered since moving to this house (our old house did not have a smart meter). We have trouble sleeping. Headaches. Our son experiences nosebleeds and attention problems. My Mother feels that her health has declined in many aspects since the installation of her meter (she lives next door). We all have noticed our immune systems are weaker. The biggest complaint is difficulty sleeping.”

5. “Since the installation, my heart has been in fibrillation daily & my heart rate & blood pressure are elevated.”

Radiation sickness has been documented and is acknowledged by the established medical community. Smart Meter radiation is no different than other types of radiation and should be treated as the potential health hazard it is.

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