5G vs Broadband

As the push to roll out 5G continues, there seems to be a 5G backlash happening not just from the public, but from the technology sector itself.

A Chinese multinational technology company has come out against the continued installation of 5G.

“In fact, human societies do not have an urgent need for 5G,” said Huawei founder and CEO, Ren Zhengfei in November. “What people need now is broadband, and the main content of 5G is not broadband.”

A former Chinese Finance Minister has also come out against 5G.

“The existing 5G technology is very immature. Hundreds of billions of investment have been deployed, and the operating cost is extremely high. No application scenarios can be found, and it is difficult to digest the cost in the future.”

This is a far cry from the usual pro-5G media coverage, where the focus is on 5G’s faster download times for movies and the interconnectivity of the Internet of Things – which is a fancy marketing term which means you can use your 5G phone to turn on your coffee pot.

While the public has been told how much 5G will improve their quality of life, it is being revealed by those in the know in the tech sector, that it is broadband that is actually needed, not 5G.

“Broadband relies on wired cables that provide faster, safer and more secure access. Much of it can be installed through or added onto existing infrastructure.”

Being wired, broadband does not carry the same radiation health threat as 5G does with its high millimeter wave frequencies that have never been tested for long-term effects.

In addition to 5G not offering to the public anywhere near the benefits of broadband nor being as safe as broadband, 5G is projected to triple energy usage as well as cause a blocking of visible stars through the launching of 5G satellites.

Broadband seems to be the logical choice.

Why The Race to 5G is a Mirage

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